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A Time for Trumpets" (ATFT) è un wargame a livello di battaglione della Battaglia delle Ardenne. Il sistema di gioco incorpora una serie di concetti di due dei giochi altamente giocabili sullo stesso argomento: Bitter Woods di The Avalon Hill Game Company e l'iconico livello di battaglione Wacht am Rhein di SPI nel 1977. Inoltre, furono utilizzati i concetti di comando e controllo ideati per la versione TAHGC de L'assedio di Gerusalemme.
The Divisional compositions include HQ, the front line battalions and the combat support battalions: recon, engineers, anti-tank, anti-aircraft and artillery. The individual field battalions perform game functions that attempt to simulate the battlefield actions of their real-life models. The aircraft squadrons include those that were most numerous over the battlefield in December 1944: P47, B26, ME109, JU88 and ME262.
The game map is at the scale of one hex equals a mile and was developed using the 1-50,000 1943-1944 GSGS 4040 and GSGS 4507 topographical maps. Players will easily recognize the influence of the Bitter Woods game map as terrain is easily recognized and differentiated.
Game concepts include: HQ activation status (active or resting), fatigue and exhaustion, command and control, formation supply, supply by air, German fuel shortages, American supply dumps, ground conditions, atmospheric conditions, air strafing and interdiction, construction of defensive positions and bridges, demolition, sacrosanct formation boundaries, limited winter movement across rivers and streams, strategic movement, infiltration due to limited visibility, over-run of vulnerable units, German night combat advantage, Kampfgruppe Peiper Breakout, German Nebelwerfer Operations, German FA Operations, Allied FA Operations, Time on Target, terrain effects for ground combat, weapons effects on ground combat, exploitation after combat, etc.
—description from the publisher
Casa Editrice | GMT GAMES |
Numero giocatori | 2 - 5 |
Età Consigliata | 14 + |
Durata | 20+ h |
Lingua | Inglese |